The Preface 序言





  1. 原理非常简单,普通人易于接受。
  2. 降低宇航员的要求,契合普通人遨游太空的梦想。
  3. 改变战斗机的交战规则“发现即摧毁”,使得战斗机摆脱导弹追踪成为可能。
  4. 特殊车辆和机甲战士驾驶人员(坦克及对身体体质有特殊要求的驾驶人员)

The Preface

       The author was born in China, now lives in Tokyo, Japan, a designer, and include: hydraulic drive cars, astronauts decompression chamber, and many other inventions and ideas.

        Inventions from the author of it as the raise of the project is based on the following reasons:

  1. The principle is very simple and easy to be accepted by ordinary people.
  2. Reduce the requirements of astronauts and meet the dream of ordinary people to travel in space.
  3. Change the combat rule of fighter "discover or destroy", make it possible for fighter to get rid of missile tracking.
  4. Drivers of special vehicles and mecha soldiers (tanks and drivers with special physical requirements)





  1. 原理はとても簡単で、普通の人は受け入れやすいです。
  2. 宇宙飛行士の要求を下げて、一般人の宇宙遊泳の夢に符合する。
  3. 戦闘機の交戦規則を変え「発見すれば破壊する」ことで、戦闘機のミサイル追跡からの脱却が可能になる。
  4. 特殊車両と機甲戦士の運転者(戦車及び身体体質に対して特別な要求がある運転者)



Directory 目 录

Chapter THREE Experimental Supplies 第三章 实验用品

Chapter Two Experimental Design 第二章 实验设计